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- Date: Thu, 3 Nov 1994 17:19:56 -0600
- From: wink@pegasus.cc.ucf.edu (Larry Wink)
- Subject: (*) Norton's Utilites 3.1 FAQ
- Resent-To: macgifts@SUMEX-AIM.STANFORD.EDU
- This is a text file of the FAQ for Norton's Utilities for Macintosh (NUM)
- 3.1 downloaded from the Symantec Tech Support area on AOL. It contains some
- very useful information for anyone trying to use NUM 3.1.
- Elsewhere in the digest is a description of an interaction between Apple
- Menus Options and FileSaver/UnErase. This interaction is NOT covered in the
- FAQ (but should be).
- NUM (Norton Utilities for the Macintosh) 3.1
- Common questions
- 0.0 What is an FAQ (Frequently Asked/Answered Questions)?
- 0.1 What is the current version and what system software is it compatible with?
- 1.0 Installation Questions
- 1.1 Where do the NUM Files get installed?
- 1.2 I tried to install but it crashed with no error message.
- 1.3 I tried to install but it quit after asking for the Installation disk back and told
- me that there was a problem with one of the disks.
- 1.4 What parts of NUM 2.0 are replaced by 3.0?
- 1.5 I tried to install but it took forever, requiring entirely too many disk swaps.
- 1.6 The Apple Installer, which NUM uses, conflicts with Escapade. Please disable
- that before installing.
- 1.7 I've tried to install but when it asks for the second disk, it doesn't eject the
- first one. How do I get around this.
- 2.0 Important ReadMe Notices
- 2.0.0 Please Note: There are many items in the ReadMe on the Installation disk.
- Please take some time to read them. These are items that are not in the existing
- ReadMe but fit under that heading.
- 2.1 Warning: Speed Disk 3.0 can cause data damage under certain situations.
- 2.2 Warning: FWB versions earlier than 1.5 can cause data corruption with
- Speed Disk 3.1.
- 2.3 Why doesn't the Wipe Info program work with System 7.5?
- 2.4 What's the fix so that Filesaver 3.1 and After Dark 3.0 will work under 7.5?
- 2.5 Disk Express want's to Unachor my Filesaver files. Can I let it?
- 2.6 I've just installed system 7.5. How do I make new startup disks?
- 2.7 Where are Directory Assistance II, Layout +, Encrypt, and Partition?
- 2.8 Do not use Speed Disk or NDD or a First Class BBS server or you will need to
- restore from a current backup.
- 3.0 Startup Disk Builder
- 3.1 I did a Custom Install and it didn't ask to make boot disk. What do I do
- now?
- 3.2 I made a boot disk with my Disk Tools disk but it crashes when I try to use it.
- 3.3 I have a system 7.5 disk tools disk but it says that it can't find an enabler
- when I use it. What do I do?
- 3.4. I only have a Utilities disk.
- 3.5 I don't have any floppy disks at all but I have a CDROM.
- 3.6 My CD ROM doesn't have any disk images on it at all. What do I do now?
- 4.0 Norton Disk Dr. Questions
- 4.1 I did a custom install and never got to make VIF's. How do I do this now?
- 4.2 I ran NDD and fixed some icons but after I restarted, my icons have changed
- to generic pictures and some won't even open the program that made them. What
- do I do?
- 4.3 I ran NDD and it found problems that it then said it fixed but I'm getting the
- same problems if I run NDD a second time. Why is this?
- 4.4 I ran NDD and it flagged a file as a Serious Problem. I got a 5,6,X error, saying
- that the file had an improper length. What does this mean?
- 5.0 Norton Fastback Questions
- 5.1 How come NFB doesn't do the same things that Backup did?
- 5.2 I'm trying to backup to a server but NFB will only backup to the root level.
- Can I get around this?
- 5.3 Will Norton Fastback support my Norton Backup 2.0 sets?
- 5.4 What is the difference between a differential backup and an incremental
- backup?
- 5.5 I'm doing a backup but I can't see that there is any error correction going on.
- Is there?
- 5.6 I'm doing a Files I Choose first but when I try to do an update of this set, it's
- not remembering the files I selected. What's going on?
- 6.0 Norton Speed Disk questions
- 6.1 Warning: Do not use SD 3.0.
- 6.2 I ran SD but I got a message saying that there were defective sectors on the
- drive. I fixed them but I still can't optimize. What can I do?
- 6.3 I ran SD and it was optimizing along when it stopped and said that there was
- a problem with my drive and I should backup and reformat. Why is this?
- 7.0 Norton Filesaver and Prevention Questions
- 7.1 Upon shutdown/startup, I'm getting a Filesaver scan that is taking too long
- and is telling me that I have damage on my drive and I should run NDD to fix it.
- What is this?
- 7.2 I am getting errors on shutdown that FS cannot update my files. What can I
- do?
- 8.0 Norton Unerase
- 8.1 I'm getting a strange Lost and Found folder on my hard drive. What is it
- from?
- 8.2 I don't seem to be getting as many files as I used to with NUM 2.0. Why is
- that?
- 9.0 Contacting Symantec
- Beginning of the Answers
- 0.0 What's an FAQ? An FAQ is a compilation of the most common question
- about a subject and their answers. This is an established technique (adopted from its
- widespread use on USENet) for reducing the repetition of questions and answers
- online services (such as BBS' CompuServe and America OnLine).
- Our intent is to answer as many questions as possible so you don't have to leave
- a question and call back to get an answer to something that we've already covered a
- few times before.
- We will be aggressively maintaining these to insure that they always have
- answers to the most current issues pertaining to a product. Naturally users are
- encouraged to read the FAQ before posting. Hopefully you'll find your question
- (and its answer) here (which will save you time and money).
- Please note that this is not intended to replace the manual or the built-in help. It
- is prepared and maintained by our tech support staff so our FAQ's may not have
- breadth or editorial polish of our official documentation. Hopefully this will
- answer some questions that our technical writers couldn't foresee.
- You may have been referred to this document by one of our technicians or
- another customer. Please don't take offense to this. We are trying to provide the
- answers in the best possible way.
- 0.1 What is the current version and what system software is it compatible with?
- NUM 3.1 is the current version and is compatible with System 7.0 and above,
- including system 7.5. You must have System 7 in order to run NUM 3.1.
- 4mb's or RAM is suggested as well.
- 1.0 Installation Questions
- 1.1 Where do the NUM Files get installed?
- The Norton Utilities 3.0 installation places several files on your hard disk. All
- applications are located in a folder entitled Norton Utilities 3.0. FileSaver and
- DiskLight, which are control panels, are located in the Control Panels folder in your
- System Folder. The Norton Fastback Scheduler extension is located in the
- Extensions folder in your System Folder. Finally, an alias to Fast Find is created and
- placed automatically in your Apple Menu Items folder.
- 1.2 I tried to install but it crashed with no error message.
- In this case, first try reinstalling with extensions off.
- 1.3 I tried to install but it quit after asking for the Installation disk back and told
- me that there was a problem with one of the disks.
- In this case, there is probably a damaged disk. Contact tech support at the
- number below or at any of the online services and ask for a replacement set.
- 1.4 What parts of NUM 2.0 are replaced by 3.0?
- Only Filesaver and Disklight are replaced by new versions. The older versions of
- Directory Assistance and Norton Partition and Backup Scheduler are left alone as
- there are no direct replacements for them. Also, the NUM 2.0 folder, with all it's
- applications will also remain untouched.
- 1.5 I tried to install but it took forever, requiring entirely too many disk swaps.
- This can be caused by either WYSIWYG (4.0) or Thunder 7 1.5.4 being present.
- Easiest solution is to restart with extensions off and retry the installation again.
- 1.6 The Apple Installer, which NUM uses, conflicts with Escapade. Please disable
- that before installing.
- 1.7 I've tried to install but when it asks for the second disk, it doesn't eject the
- first one. How do I get around this.
- This was only a problem with the installer in NUM 3.0. versions and was fixed
- with the release of 3.1. If you have NUM 3.0, please call customer service at 800-441-
- 7234 or on the online services listed below and request the update to 3.1.
- 2.0 Important ReadMe Notices
- 2.0.0 Please Note: There are many items in the ReadMe on the Installation disk.
- Please take some time to read them. These are items that are not in the existing
- ReadMe but fit under that heading.
- 2.1 Warning: Speed Disk 3.0 can cause data damage under certain situations.
- Symantec announced that it has discovered a technical problem that can cause
- data loss, with the Speed Disk module of the Norton Utilities for Macintosh 3.0.
- Customers should not use Speed Disk until an update of the program is made
- available. Norton Utilities for Macintosh Version 3.0 first shipped in August and, at
- this time, the problem has been reported in less than a fraction of a percent of all
- units shipped. Symantec has suspended shipments temporarily and will replace all
- products in retail stores with a 3.1 version.
- This does not affect the Norton Utilities for PC's, or any of SYMANTEC's other
- MAC, DOS or Windows products. The only affected product is the Norton Utilities
- for Macintosh version 3.0.
- 2.2 Warning: FWB versions earlier than 1.5 can cause data corruption with
- Speed Disk 3.1.
- Users of FWB's Hard Disk Toolkit versions 1.5 or earlier may suffer problems
- when using software that performs data transfers of greater than 32 megabytes.
- Problems using these early versions of Hard Disk Toolkit could occur with disk
- optimization programs or other programs that move or access very large blocks of
- data. A small number of instances of data loss have occurred when using the old
- driver with Speed Disk 3.1 in a very limited set of circumstances. The set of
- circumstances only include machines with 32 megs of available memory (or greater,
- and it cannot be RAM doubled memory or virtual memory), 32 megs of free space
- (or greater) on the drive being optimized, and HDT's driver version 1.5 or earlier.
- This is not the issue that was resolved in version 3.1 of Speed Disk. This driver
- problem is fixed by updating to the newest version of HDT's software (version 1.6).
- It is unlikely that a substantial number of programs transfer data in chunks of 32
- megs or greater, but we strongly suggest contacting FWB for the newest software to
- avoid any other potential problems with other software (however unlikely). This
- isn't a problem with Speed Disk, but all users should verify that they are using the
- most recent version of their hard disk driver.
- I would suggest that you contact FWB and upgrade to the newest version of their
- driver. FWB can be contacted directly at 415 474 8055
- 2.3 Why doesn't the Wipe Info program work with System 7.5?
- This is a windowing issue that we are diagnosing. It was not a problem with the
- last pre-release version testing we did with 7.5 but is with the released version of 7.5.
- We're looking into it but no date for a fix is available at this time.
- As a work around, you can drag/drop onto an the icon/alias of the program.
- That should work fine for wiping files and unused space on a drive.
- 2.4 What's the fix so that Filesaver 3.1 and After Dark 3.0 will work under 7.5?
- There's a known conflict with the Apple Menu Options. Here's the suggested
- getaround from Berkeley: "The problem we have found is a conflict between
- Norton FileSaver, After Dark 3.0 and Apple Menu Options. The work around is to
- turn off "Remember Recently Used Items' in Apple Menu Options. If this does not
- help you, please call technical support (Berkeley) so we can do some testing."
- 2.5 Disk Express want's to Unachor my Filesaver files. Can I let it?
- FileSaver itself can live with that, but if DiskExpress moves them, then Disk
- Doctor, UnErase, and Volume Recover won't recognize them. The header of each
- FileSaver file contains a signature, the time it was last updated, and the exact sector
- number at which the file begins.
- Also, after the disk has been optimized, all of the information is wrong anyway,
- so FileSaver must be told to update itself. Speed Disk does this for you as soon as it
- finishes, but when using another optimizer, you need to hit FileSaver's "Update
- Now" hot key (installed default is command-option-F) when the Disk Express II
- optimization is finished.
- 2.6 I've just installed system 7.5. How do I make new startup disks?
- If you already made startup disks that work with your Mac, there is no need to
- make new ones just because 7.5 has been installed. The perviously made disks will
- work fine.
- 2.7 Where are Directory Assistance II, Layout +, Encrypt, and Partition?
- On the removal of Layout Plus, Norton Encrypt, Norton Partition, Directory
- Assistance II and KeyFinder...
- This new version of Norton Utilities for Macintosh is designed as a focused
- utility package, specifically providing the best disk repair and data recovery
- available. Layout Plus, Norton Encrypt, Norton Partition, Directory Assistance II
- and KeyFinder are productivity-enhancing tools rather than disk repair/data
- recovery tools. Owners of previous versions of Norton Utilities can still enjoy these
- features, since installation of Version 3.0 leaves the modules intact and available for
- continued use.
- Regarding specific modules...
- Layout Plus modifies a Finder resource that is not present in Finder versions
- after System 6. In addition, some functionality built into System 7 is similar to
- functionality provided by Layout Plus.
- Norton Partition and Norton Encrypt:
- Significantly more powerful security features are now available from Symantec
- in Norton DiskLock for Macintosh.
- Directory Assistance II:
- Apple's System 7.5 incorporates some of the features of Directory Assistance II
- directly into the system software.
- Key Finder:
- Key Finder is a desk accessory and not a data loss prevention and repair utility.
- 2.8 Do not use Speed Disk or NDD or a First Class BBS server or you will need to
- restore from a current backup.
- If you tell NDD to Fix all of the problems that it reportson a server running First
- Class BBS software, then the BBS will no longer operate and the sysop will have to
- restore his BBS server from a backup.
- You should never run Speed Disk on a First Class server disk, because it hard-
- codes some files to the exact sectors that they are located in.
- 3.0 Startup Disk Builder
- 3.1 I did a Custom Install and it didn't ask to make boot disk. What do I do
- now?
- You can run Startup Disk Builder from your hard drive. Be sure to have the
- disks handy that it tells you you will need.
- 3.2 I made a boot disk with my Disk Tools disk but it crashes when I try to use it.
- This is most often caused by having a system 7.0.0 Disk Tools disk, which often
- contained a system 6 system file. Easiest test for this is to boot the computer from
- the Disk Tools disk and select About This Macintosh from under the Apple Menu.
- That will tell you what system software is on the Disk Tools disk. If you do find that
- you have system 6 on that disk, you can sometimes use the Installation disks to do a
- 'minimum install' onto a floppy disk. Then rename that disk to Disk Tools and
- use that with Startup Disk Builder.
- 3.3 I have a system 7.5 disk tools disk but it says that it can't find an enabler
- when I use it. What do I do?
- You can make a new bootable disk with the 7.5 Disk Tools disk and Startup Disk
- Builder. First verify that the 7.5 Disk tools disk you are using will boot the
- computer you are making the Norton disks for. If it does, then, in Startup Disk
- Builder, select Other from the 'Mac to make the disk for' list rather than your
- specific computer.
- 3.4. I only have a Utilities disk.
- This is usually an issue on Performas. Make a copy of that disk and rename the
- copy Disk Tools.
- 3.5 I don't have any floppy disks at all but I have a CDROM.
- On the CD ROM, there will be either an Images folder, Backup CD folder, or
- Utilities folder that contains the Disk Tools image. Make that image and you'll be
- able to use that with Startup Disk Builder.
- 3.6 My CD ROM doesn't have any disk images on it at all. What do I do now?
- Apple has begun to ship some Mac's with no floppies and no images on the CD.
- The only way around this is to call Apple or your local dealer to see if you can get
- your hands on a bootable 7.5 Disk Tools disk to use with Startup Disk Builder.
- 4.0 Norton Disk Dr. Questions
- 4.1 I did a custom install and never got to make VIF's. How do I do this now?
- If you open the Norton Utilities main menu, under the Options menu, you'll
- have a Create VIF files choice. That will allow you to make VIF's of all mounted
- volumes.
- 4.2 I ran NDD and fixed some icons but after I restarted, my icons have changed
- to generic pictures and some won't even open the program that made them. What
- do I do?
- This is often due to Norton's sensitivity to icons that do not follow Apple
- standards to the letter. In these cases, NDD will 'fix' the icons to match Apple's
- guidelines but this may cause them to become generic or not to function correctly.
- Here is a suggestion:
- To delete the desktop files, open Norton Disk Editor and choose to open the
- volume that had the problem. After the drive is analyzed, you will see a 'Directory'
- window. Verify that you're choosing to 'View by Name' and look down that
- window until you see the file called 'Desktop DB'. Click on the first desktop file
- once to highlight it. Hit the Info button at the top. In the information window that
- appears, uncheck "Is Invisible" and add the word Old to the beginning of the file's
- name. Repeat this for the Desktop DF file.
- Rebooting from your hard disk, your Mac will rebuild the desktop automatically.
- Let it do that. Then delete the old, now visible desktop files.
- 4.3 I ran NDD and it found problems that it then said it fixed but I'm getting the
- same problems if I run NDD a second time. Why is this?
- When a problem says it's fixed but then shows up on subsequent runs, it may be
- that there is a weak sector on the disk. In this situation, you can backup and
- reformat as that will usually mark out the sector or you could try the NDD Media
- Check with it set for read/write testing as that may also find the sector. One note of
- caution on this. Be sure to have a backup when running ANY diagnostic program
- that writes data to your disk.
- 4.4 I ran NDD and it flagged a file as a Serious Problem. I got a 5,6,X error, saying
- that the file had an improper length. What does this mean?
- The Norton Disk Doctor error 5, 6, X indicates that NDD has discovered a
- discrepancy between some of the pieces of your catalog directory for the specific file
- that is mentioned. NDD will not repair this discrepancy. The reasoning is that
- there is no way that NDD can determine if it needs to lengthen or truncate that file
- to make it correct. NDD is comparing two sets of values at this point. One is a
- single value that simply states the total phsyical length of the fork of that file. The
- other value is a series of blocks that are the actual data locations (and since a
- fragmented file will be split up across the drive, these locations may not be
- contiguous). The error comes about as a result of the first value not being equal to
- the sum of the lengths of each of the actual data pieces. Again, since there is no way
- for NDD (or for any utility available) to know whether or not it should truncate or
- lengthen the physical length value, it simply warns you that there may be a problem
- with that file.
- There also may not be any problem with that file. NDD is flagging them because
- they are not correct as far as their catalog directory information is concerned, but
- they may still be completely useable by their parent application. The easiest solution
- is to simply open the target file with the parent application and do a "save as"
- command and save it as a completely new file (thus making the operating system
- write a new catalog entry for it). Then delete the old file and everything should be
- fine.
- 5.0 Norton Fastback Questions
- 5.1 How come NFB doesn't do the same things that Backup did?
- NFB is not an upgrade. It is a NEW product. We replaced the Norton Backup
- with Fastback. We improved the interface by quite a ways, and added features that
- where highly asked for by our users. But it is still a new addition from a product
- point of view, and we will be adding more features and improvements according to
- your opinions. Some advantages over Backup are Finder format copies, shorter
- backup times, and lower memory requirements, not to mention support for tape
- units and self expanding backups.
- 5.2 I'm trying to backup to a server but NFB will only backup to the root level.
- Can I get around this?
- This is the way the program works at the moment. There is no way around this
- at this time but we're aware of the desire for this ability and are working on making
- it a part of future releases.
- 5.3 Will Norton Fastback support my Norton Backup 2.0 sets?
- By including Fastback in Norton Utilities, we've provided users with the best
- backup solution available. Norton Utilities' new Norton Fastback offers features
- such as tape backup, compression based on DiskDoubler technology, and creation of
- self-extracting backups. However, Norton Fastback cannot read backups from
- Norton Backup 2.0. Owners of Norton Utilities Version 2 can still restore backups
- from Norton Backup, since installation of Version 3.0 leaves that module intact and
- available for continued use.
- 5.4 What is the difference between a differential backup and an incremental
- backup?
- Differential and Incremental are explained in the manual on page 13-13.
- However, here are more details.
- In order for NFB to create .diff or .incr files, it must have a .full backup to
- compare to. Once the full is completed, a differential will backup all changed files
- since the last full backup. The incremental will backup files that have changed since
- any last backup (full, diff, or previous incr).
- In either type of backup, due to the way that Fastback stores information about
- changed files, you must have a full backup first. This is different from either
- Backup or SUM II in that those programs stored all the information about a
- particular backup in the single backup file itself.
- 5.5 I'm doing a backup but I can't see that there is any error correction going on.
- Is there?
- Norton Fastback will compare after backup if you set an option in the backup
- preferences when you have a tape drive selected as your destination. If you do not
- have a tape drive selected as the destination device, the Use Error Correction option
- that is set in the Preferences window will verify the backups as written.
- 5.6 I'm doing an All Changed Files but when I try to do an update of this set, it's
- not remembering the files I selected or adding new files I've selected. What's going
- on?
- With Norton Fastback, changed docs are only recognized after a full backup, not
- the other way around.
- Simplest scenario:Do a complete backup. Change file or add files. Do an All
- Changed to get those changed files. If you also select Keep Newer under preferences,
- then you'll get a differential backup that will include all changed files since that last
- Full backup. If you change more files, then do another All Changed backup with
- Keep Newer selected, you'll get, again, all changed files from the last Full,
- _including_ the files you backed up in the first All Changed plus the newer changed
- files. So, once the second backup is complete, you can delete the first Changed or
- keep it till you've done a third and then delete it so that you have at least one
- fallback file incase the latest gets damaged. I hope that clarifies the backup process
- with Fastback some.
- 6.0 Norton Speed Disk questions
- 6.1 Warning: Do not use SD 3.0.
- Symantec announced that it has discovered a technical problem that can cause
- data loss, with the Speed Disk module of the Norton Utilities for Macintosh 3.0.
- Customers should not use Speed Disk until an update of the program is made
- available. Norton Utilities for Macintosh Version 3.0 first shipped in August and, at
- this time, the problem has been reported in less than a fraction of a percent of all
- units shipped. Symantec has suspended shipments temporarily and will replace all
- products in retail stores with a 3.1 version.
- This does not affect the Norton Utilities for PC's, or any of SYMANTEC's other
- MAC, DOS or Windows products. The only affected product is the Norton Utilities
- for Macintosh version 3.0.
- 6.2 I ran SD but I got a message saying that there were defective sectors on the
- drive. I fixed them but I still can't optimize. What can I do?
- Basically nothing. The "fixed" files were created by Speed Disk (or some other
- disk utility) where it found a defective area on the disk -- something is wrong with
- the physical disk surface so that data cannot be written reliably and perhaps not even
- read. The "fixed" files were created as invisible do-nothings so that nothing else
- would try to create a file at that location. In order to continue to optimize the drive,
- you'll need to backup and reformat the drive. To get around the defective files, be
- sure to delete the Bad Blocks folder that SD created (if you choose to fix the drive
- from SD) or SD will just think that the drive is still bad when it finds those files that
- it created.
- 6.3 I ran SD and it was optimizing along when it stopped and said that there was
- a problem with my drive and I should backup and reformat. Why is this?
- First try increasing the memory allocated to SD up to 3000k. Run it again. If that
- doesn't help, then the problem may be due to the following:
- If the error came up during optimization (rather than during the Verify Media
- stage), it usually means that Speed Disk has encountered an error during one of the
- write verification tests it did during optimization and could not continue. This
- usually means that there is a 'marginal' or 'weak' sector on the disk. A marginal
- sector is one that passes a simple read check but may fail during heavy use. I would
- normally suggest backing up and reformatting, but there are other circumstances
- that apply.
- Because the sector only failed during multiple read/write tests, a reformat may
- not locate and mark out the bad sector. If you have access to some formatting
- program other than Apple's, and if it has some kind of heavy duty read/write
- testing, I would use that to try and find the bad sector. You can also try to locate the
- bad sectors by setting NDD's Verify Media option to perform a Read/Write check on
- the drive. This is done by selecting Preferences from the Edit menu and then setting
- the Check Media Preferences to perform a Read/Write/Verify test and then selecting
- Verify Media from the Tools Menu. A backup would still be highly recomended.
- Also, if the drive is external, you may want to check the termination and the
- cabling. A loose cable or incorrect termination could also cause a failure in the test.
- 7.0 Norton Filesaver and Prevention Questions
- 7.1 Upon shutdown, I'm getting a Filesaver scan that is taking too long and is
- telling me that I have damage on my drive and I should run NDD to fix it. What is
- this?
- This is a new part of Filesaver called Prevention. It is performing a Disk Dr. scan
- in order to warn you if there may be problems developing. More information on
- setting the preferences for this new item can be found on page 9-6 of the manual.
- 7.2 I am getting errors on shutdown that FS cannot update my files. What can I
- do?
- You should delete your FileSaver files and create new ones with the FileSaver
- control panel. To delete them, open Norton Disk Editor. Open the volume that had
- the problem. After the drive is analyzed, you will see a 'Directory' window. Look
- down that window until you see the 'Norton FS Data' file. Click on that file once to
- highlight it. Hit the Info button at the top of the window. Un-X the Is Invisible box
- and add the word OLD to its name. Repeat this for the other 2 or 3 Norton files
- (Norton FS Index, Norton FS Volume, Norton FS Volume 2, and Norton FS
- Comment). Reboot from your hard disk, open FileSaver and make sure that the
- disk is being protected. Then delete the now visible files.
- 8.0 Norton Unerase
- 8.1 I'm getting a strange Lost and Found folder on my hard drive. What is it
- from?
- The Lost and Found folder is created by NUM when it finds files that don't seem
- to belong to any folder. Rather than assume that they go in some specific place or
- delete them out of hand, it creates this folder and then names these orphaned files
- sequentially. If the files there are not something you recognize or want, just delete
- them.
- 8.2 I don't seem to be getting as many files as I used to with NUM 2.0. Why is
- that?
- NUM 3.1 now defaults to searching only the erased data space on a drive. If you
- wish to recover from the used area, then you must check that box in the Search
- Again window.
- 9.0 How to reach Symantec
- Symantec Corporation
- Symantec Corp.
- 175 W. Broadway
- Eugene, OR. 97401-3003
- We can also be reached through electronic mail on the following on-line
- services:
- America Online: Keyword: SYMANTEC
- Compuserve: GO SYMUTIL
- The Symantec BBS
- 2400/1200/300 baud: (503) 484-6699
- 9600 baud: (503) 484-6669
- AppleLink: NORTON.TECH
- Symantec's international partners are located throughout the world. Please call
- our Customer Service Center in Oregon at (800) 441-7234 for the name, address, and
- phone number of the international office closest to you.